Posted on 5/2/2017

Deciding whether to tow your vehicle? There are undoubtedly some times when a vehicle, even though it will still drive, should really be towed. Many times, a consumer will drive their vehicle to a repair shop to save money on a tow bill. But at times this can actually cause more damage to the vehicle and, therefore, cost a lot more in repairs when a $75 to $100 tow bill would have saved several hundred dollars in damage. This is where you, the operator of the car, really need to rely on your knowledge of how your vehicle usually performs and your senses to decide if your vehicle is safe to drive or not. Being in tune with smells, how it performs, seeing any unusual smoke or leaking of fluids under the car, or any new and loud sounds created by the vehicle, can be a good indicator of whether a vehicle needs towing or not. Warnings signs to watch, listen and look for: Vehicle is overheating according to the temperature gauge or sudden drop on the gauge. Check Engine Light is flashing. O ... read more